Choose the Perfect Course for your COMPANY
Acquire the necessary knowledge in office automation
The training of a company’s employees is essential to achieve high productivity, which has a positive and direct impact on its profitability.

Learning main Microsoft Office programs

Master G Suite and be more efficient in your business

Multiple levels
Step-by-step training courses organized in 3 levels of progressive difficulty.
To achieve learning adjusted to the abilities or previous knowledge of each collaborator, the courses are divided into three levels of difficulty, thus guaranteeing the assimilation of concepts regardless of the person.
Levels: Basic | Intermediate | Advanced
Small Groups
Small group classes to provide better attention and learning.
The courses are taught in person (usually at the client’s facilities) or remotely. Attendance of no more than 10 people per group is recommended in order to ensure personalized teaching.
Up to 10 collaborators per group

Practical lessons
Practical lessons with illustrative examples to support theoretical teaching.
The courses are based on theoretical lectures for the introduction of concepts, together and with special emphasis on solving practical cases. The examples are based on real application scenarios.
Emphasis on "Learning by doing"
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin.