Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have any questions about the services or products, in this section we will try to answer you. Here you can find the most common queries made by our clients, together with a clear and concise explanation of each exposed topic.

General Questions

What work methodology does HIGHTECH use?

Normally, we work under the concept of “projects”. We evaluate each situation, conducting a complete and detailed initial analysis. This allows us to diagnose the underlying problems, establish strategies and search for solutions taking into account as many scenarios as possible.


The division of work into “phases” guarantees us an efficient organization of tasks, as well as a forecast of very precise delivery times. In this way, our clients can see the step-by-step progress of their projects, and be sure that all the procedures meet the requirements and needs detailed at the beginning.

What is the process to request a service and/or product from HIGHTECH?

The first thing you should do is contact us, using any of the channels made available to you (online chat, email, phone, whatsapp, …), and telling us what your need is or what service and/or product want to hire. We will respond shortly to arrange a short meeting to jointly analyze the problem. Based on this information, we will make a quote, and if you approve, we can start the work.

Web Design

What is a "hosting", what is it for and how much does it cost?

Hosting (also known as web hosting) is nothing more than the physical space where a website is hosted so that it is accessible through the internet. This space is provided by a web server through the use of the resources (memory, hard disk space, bandwidth, etc.) made available to the client that uses it.


There are many hosting providers (GoDaddy, Hostgator, BlueHost, AWS, InMotion, SiteGround, …). They all offer different packages, based on the type of hosting (shared, dedicated, virtual, in the cloud, etc.), the amount of resources, functionalities and coverage of technical support. For this reason, we cannot give an exact price, but to get an idea, we can hire a hosting service from about $100 per year for the simplest, up to several thousand dollars a year for the most complete (used in large companies).

What is a "domain", what is it for and how much does it cost?

The domain (also known as the web domain) can be defined as the name of the website. Important for building your brand identity and your presence on the internet, the web domain works as a gateway for people who want to visit your website. For this reason, creating a domain that refers to your company, your product or the work you do, is essential.


As with hosting, there are multiple domain providers, and in many cases, hosting provider companies also offer domains and vice versa. The domain usually has a fairly low cost, which could start at around $10/$15 per year.

Does HIGHTECH offer hosting and domain services?

HIGHTECH DOES NOT provide hosting and domain services. To do this, we work with highly reputable providers within the sector, such as: GoDaddy, Hostgator, AWS, … These companies have all the hardware, software, backup, security infrastructure, etc., and are in charge of offering and supporting these services.


HIGHTECH DO performs management, administration, configuration and maintenance tasks for these services through the control panels made available by the providers for webmasters or web administrators.

What is a "corporate email", what is it for and how much does it cost?

A corporate email is one whose domain is its own and is not associated with any public server such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail. “” would be an example of corporate email. It is very useful to enhance the identity of your company or brand, at the same time that it presents itself to its clients as a professional and reliable company.


There are providers that allow the creation of unlimited corporate accounts at no additional cost, but there are also other providers that charge a small annual commission depending on the number of corporate accounts that the client needs.

How many corporate email accounts can I have?

Corporate email accounts depend directly on the domain and hosting hired. Normally, there are no limitations on the number of corporate emails associated with a given domain. However, it is necessary to consult the conditions imposed in each case by the corresponding hosting provider to know this information or other limitations of corporate email accounts.

I don't have a website, where should I start?

The first step is to establish the needs of the website, that is, define its functionality, what content and information it will contain, how it will be structured, … It is also important to determine which “hosting provider” will be used, and what will be the “domain” of the website.


Once all this has been specified, the design, structuring and development phase of the website can begin. Finally, we proceed to the testing stage to correct small details, prior to launching the page.

How much does a web page cost?

The price of a web page is related to the hours of work that are invested in it. For this reason, the price of a website can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Everything will depend on the functionalities, characteristics, particular implementations of each client, adaptation to the corporate image, in addition to the hours invested in the usual tasks of the webmaster.


HIGHTECH works under “projects“. Due to this, we evaluate the previous needs and adjust the times and costs to the requirements of each client. Request a quote here.

How long can I have my website ready?

When we start a project, we present a document indicating the estimated development deadlines. A basic corporate website can be around 15 days, while an eCommerce store can take between 30/60 days. It all depends on the complexity of the site, the desired characteristics, the amount of information, …


Our project delivery is usually adjusted to the estimated deadlines as long as we have the information and material provided by the client.

Can I make changes to my website?

You are allowed to make basic modifications regarding the characteristics stipulated in the previous study (“web requirements analysis”). Any additional functionality or important modification that requires a high programming cost and that was not previously foreseen, must be evaluated by HIGHTECH.


Taking into account each case and circumstance, it may be necessary to prepare a new quote that reflects the requested changes. In this case, the quotation would be delivered to the client for approval prior to the adaptation process.

How much does web maintenance cost?

The first 6 months, counted from the final delivery of the project, has NO cost to the client. This maintenance includes administration tasks for the hosting and the website, as well as making basic modifications to it, as indicated in the previous point.


After the first 6 months, the web maintenance is an optional package (but always recommended), that is, the client does not have the obligation to contract the service from HIGHTECH. You can choose any other provider or webmaster to perform this service.


If you choose to continue the service with HIGHTECH, it will be necessary to quote an annual web maintenance plan based on the tasks required, number of adaptations or updates to the website, … We offer packages starting at $9.99 per month.


If within the first 6 months the client requires a more complete maintenance plan that exceeds the work covered by the plan offered free of charge, they can opt for the option to upgrade the plan, which will begin to take effect immediately at the time of purchasing.

Can I migrate my website to a new hosting in case of ending the commercial relationship?

It is important to note that both the domain and the website are owned by the client. HIGHTECH only carries out design, development and administration tasks as a supplier and under the client’s requirements.


The “ownership” of the hosting account will depend on whether the customer has purchased his own web hosting service, or if, on the contrary, he hosted his website on the hosting provided and managed by HIGHTECH. In the first case, it is not necessary to migrate the site to another server, just remove the access permissions to the hosting. In the second scenario, it would be necessary to move the page from the server managed by HIGHTECH to another server chosen by the client.


The client is free to host the website of his property on the server or hosting of his choice. HIGHTECH, in its capacity as provider, will provide the client with all the necessary information and material so that the client can migrate their website to the new hosting. In any case, the termination of the service and its conditions will be governed by the web development / maintenance contract in force at the time of cancellation.

What is SEO positioning, what is it for? Can SEO positioning be guaranteed?

El SEO o posicionamiento web lo componen una serie de estrategias, habilidades y técnicas que permiten al sitio aparecer lo más arriba posible en los resultados de los buscadores web (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.).
SEO or web positioning is made up of a series of strategies, skills and techniques that allow the site to appear as high as possible in the results of web search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, …).


In no case can SEO success be guaranteed. Think that, like you, your competition could also carry out SEO positioning strategies. Additionally, there are thousands of pages competing for the top positions in search engines. It also has to value that the algorithms to which the search engines respond are secret, so it is impossible to determine what a result will be.


Good SEO consists of design, content, titles, descriptions, tags, and a number of factors known to SEO professionals.

How many products can I have in my virtual store?

The limitation of the number of products that a virtual store can handle is determined mainly by the database and by the capacity or resources available to the hosting where the virtual store is hosted. The most common is that a virtual store developed with any of the most widely used and reputable CMS (platforms for web management and administration) on the market, support thousands of products or articles without any problem.

Software Development

What kind of software does HIGHTECH develop?

HIGHTECH develops management software for companies or organizations in various productive or commercial sectors. Basically, there are 2 types of developments:

  • Custom Software: The development is carried out in a personalized way for each client and attending to the unique needs of each project.
  • Propietary Software: HIGHTECH is in continuous development and improvement of its own software products, the license, distribution and commercialization of which belongs solely to the company.

For which sectors does HIGHTECH develop software?

Both in the development of custom software and its own products, HIGHTECH covers a wide range of business sectors, such as: clinics, workshops, offices, industries, professionals, …


Through modular development, diversity of functionalities are obtained: purchasing, sales, inventory, accounting, payroll, HR, dental clinics, veterinary clinics, mechanical workshops, …

How long does it take to develop custom management software?

Typically, software development is a long and complicated process. Depending on the required functionality, the number of modules or the complexity of the sector, the procedure can take a few years. Even the most basic management software takes a few months to complete


A good program, once completed, can work for many years, making the initial investment, both in time and costs, pay off.

How much does the development of custom management software cost?

Being a highly technical and specialized process, software creation is not a cheap task. As in any project, everything depends on the time and hours of programming necessary to develop it. In general, custom business software costs several thousand dollars. Get a quote here.


Aware of this fact, we also develop our own software that we market to the general public. In this way, small and medium-sized companies can acquire a management tool at a more affordable price. In return, the software itself cannot be customized to the taste of each client, except for reports or very specific functionalities that can be modified through the program’s own configuration.

What platforms does the software use?

We usually develop desktop software based on Windows environments. Despite everything, the system can work on MAC machines using virtualization programs such as Parallels Desktop, VMWare Fusion o VirtualBox.


We are in continuous change and innovation, for this reason we are migrating our software so that it also works on the web and mobile devices.

Can the software be integrated with other systems?

In general, it is possible to integrate different software so that they work or collaborate together. Each particular case should be examined and the feasibility of this procedure should be studied, as there are systems that allow easy integration through “APIs” or “web services“.


The problem is that not all programs or software offer these integration tools, in which case the possibility of an effective integration is severely diminished.

Technical Support

What kind of support does HIGHTECH provide?

Mainly, we give technical support to any customer who purchases any of our products or services, such as software or web pages. Additionally, we offer a technical service oriented more to the installation, configuration and maintenance of software and equipment. Get a quote here.


We do not directly repair physical equipment, although we have collaborating companies or partners that help us provide this service to our customers.

How is technical support provided?

Support can be done both in person and remotely. Depending on each scenario, one modality or the other may be convenient. Remote support will prevail, since it is very effective in resolving incidents, quickly and efficiently. When the problem is more serious, complex or technically convenient, the support will be carried out in person.


In either case, the client has multiple channels of communication with the company. You can contact us directly through the online chat or using the contact form on this website, by sending us an email to the address, calling us at (+507) 269 35 27, writing to us at the whatspp line (+507) 6780 -0877, or by leaving a message on one of our social networks.

What hours is support provided?

During the normal business hours of the company:

  • Monday-Friday: 08:00h – 18:00h.
  • Saturday: 08:00h – 13:00h.

In cases of extreme urgency, we can provide support outside of these hours. However, this service can be charged as an extra.

Does the technical support have any cost?

It depends on whether the support is provided as a specifically contracted service or if it is part of a project, such as software development for a company.

  • As a Service: Yes, it is quoted and is charged according to the work requested. For example: If the client requests the installation of equipment or the review and maintenance of its IT infrastructure.
  • As an extra of another product or service: In this case, whether the support has a cost for the customer will depend on the maintenance contracts and the conditions established between the customer and the company. Example, the client requests changes to the web page, but the term of 1 year of maintenance has already passed including:
    • Case 1: The client DOES have a maintenance contract that covers this task. Then the support is NOT charged.
    • Case 2: The client does NOT have a maintenance contract or the requested work does not fall within the maintenance conditions. Then the support is charged.

What is the average response time?

Normally we can provide assistance in the first 24/48hrs after the problem occurs. It all depends on the type of incident, the HIGHTECH workload at the time of the failure or the availability of the client to coordinate support.

IT Consulting

What type of consulting services does the company offer?

We provide consulting in various areas of action. We can advise you from the purchase of computer equipment, to the acquisition of programs and software, detect vulnerabilities in your computer infrastructure, create protection and contingency plans, or undertake the digital transformation of your business. Get a quote here.

Courses & Training

What type of courses and training does the company carry out?

Mainly, we offer training courses to companies or organizations that want to implement or reinforce the basic computer skills of their employees. That is why we offer courses in office automation (computer science for the office) using necessary and widely extended tools in the world of business management.Get a quote here.

How is the training done, personally or remotely?

The training is carried out in person, directly at the client’s facilities, in such a way that the staff does not waste time traveling or the course interferes as little as possible with their working hours.


NOTE: Due to the covid-19 pandemic, face-to-face courses will be suspended until further notice.

What is the capacity to attend the courses?

Capacity can be tailored to attendee demand and the needs of the hiring organization. Personally, we estimate that in small groups (no more than 10 people) it is possible to teach better, paying more attention to the attendees and offering a more personalized follow-up.


In case the employees to be trained exceeds this recommended number, different classes or shifts can be organized in different groups and attendance times.

Are the courses also taught to individuals?

At the moment, the courses are only oriented for companies or organizations, not for individuals. In any case, you can subscribe to the newsletter of the page and thus you will be informed of any changes or news regarding this topic or others related to our products and/or services.

Are there different degrees or levels of difficulty?

Indeed, the courses are structured in various levels of difficulty, ranging from a basic level (for people without prior knowledge or beginners), intermediate level (for people who already know the tools and want to learn more useful tricks) and advanced level (for those users who want to master the programs or tools expertly).

How long are the courses?

The duration of the courses varies depending on the tool or program you want to learn, as well as the level or depth of knowledge you want to acquire.

What kind of material is needed for the course?

Like any course, there is a more theoretical component and there is a purely practical component. It is necessary for the client to have the technological means (especially computers and the programs to be used) so that the collaborators can follow the practical part of the course.